Tuesday, December 25, 2007


I have just learned about wikis and they seem like they could be a very useful educational tool if used in the classroom, building, or with parents. It seems like having a forum to be able to build on ideas as well as showcase work that others can comment and add information about is a creative collaborative tool. I liked the Village Elementary wiki that has examples of student work and would like to see if anyone is using it as a tool at the middle and high school level.

In the videos for training, it talked about putting upcoming meeting agendas out on the wiki with documents to be discussed and then coming together with greater knowledge and having moved further ahead in the process. It seems using the voice and other tools in a wiki would eliminate the need to have meetings, except for getting that personal connection of a face to face. There are some meetings it seems this would be appropriate to do like updating a document or making some decisions about a student's work or educational plan.


Unknown said...

Kevin, you might want to talk with Angela in the MW Library. She's been trying to use wikis with students and teachers in lots of different ways. She might have some great examples to share with you.

Harriet said...

When I did the wikis lesson, I really thought that it was an amazing tool.I would like to see the students at the High School use this but the only downfall is that it is not a filtered site. There are some wonderful areas of educaction on the wikis and perhaps one day, it will be an open forum for learning.