Monday, January 21, 2008

Collaborative Project Idea

This is an idea to ask students to use their creativity to create a social/emotional lesson that is meaningful to them and future students.

Your team is in charge of a company in the year 2025 that creates cyber-human robots. You have been able to get them to provide information, but they are lacking the social and emotional humanity that you had hoped in order to be successfully interact with each other and humans. There are other companies working toward the same goal.

Your company will not survive if you can not remedy this problem. In order to do so, you must determine the three most important social skills that are essential to getting along with each other and then figure out a way to teach these skills to the robots. Keep in mind they process information through any means, so good luck in the following:
1. Identify the three most important social skills and how you made this decision
2. Determine what other team members you need to access to be successful
2. Create an effective plan for teaching these three skills to the robots
3. Develop a way to determine if you have been successful in teaching the robots each of the skills.

Good luck on your mission and on saving your company.

Let me know how it goes as we may need this before 2025

This lesson could address students at all levels. it allows for collaborative teaming to address social and emotional development. The ideas in the blog were really useful and could force some different thinking of allowing students to teach us the technology and our role os to mentor and guide them through the morality of it all.

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