Thursday, February 7, 2008

Reflections 3 (Link to how I applied what I learned in class)

This has been a great way for me to learn about the technology and be able to apply the uses as practice is what makes things meaningful. As a school social work and a support to the students this process has opened my eyes more so to the world that students are growing up in. I had pong as my first video game and was enthralled with that as an elementary age kid and saw what became the preface to email in college, these kids see those as old school. The nature of technology for them is second nature which seems to be why they can have a second life. Because of the sheer amount of information accessible in front of you on the computer and phones it makes sense to me that there is too much information for one life so you need a second one just to hold the overflow of information. At times, it is exciting and at others overwhelming with the opportunities and differences. My learning curve has come around so that I feel comfortable blogging on topics that are relevant to me and educational. I still have not embraced the value of blogging for social connection, but maybe I will experience the value someday as I learn from my kids. Blogs, wikis, social networking, and social bookmarking are all processes that I feel I have a little knowledge to speak intelligently, but not dangerously about now. I will be trying to incorporate these tools into my practice more so including the MW counseling web page that I have added things to throughout this course as this course has kept me motivated to keep it current. Please check it out and give nay feedback about other things that could be useful. I also am curious and hope to go over the hump with my learning curve on using videos for instructional practice and social/emotional development together with the students.

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