Monday, December 3, 2007

How is blogging

How has my blogging experience been thus far?

I would say I am learning at a modern pace. The blogging process is simpler than i had thought prior to this course. The most difficult thing has been to remember which user name and which password goes with each account and web site as it has been a challenge logging them into my short term memory.

I have found a lot of great resources by linking onto others blogs and resources as well as a never ending wealth of information. There is always something curious that can lead me to the next thing.

As far as using it into the future, I hope to be able to use it as a communication tool kit a few ways. One, I hope to be able to speak to others within my department and outside of my department sharing resources knowledge and perspective.

It would be exciting to be able to have resources for different topics within the counselor/mental health/substance abuse/art therapy worlds to bridge these resources with the wealth of resources within the school as well.

Also, I hope to be able to develop it into a resource for parents and students to feel comfortable accessing and working together to support the students through the counseling department. I hope to be able to reach students where they are and make it convenient for their parents to access the department as well. Overall, I hope to use blogging as a collaborative tool to support our students.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think these sound like great ideas, Kevin. I hope you'll be able to use blogging to support your parents and students. Please let me know how this works out for you.